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"Upon Further Review"

2010 Season Week 2 Clips

                                    Kick Catch Interference and Illegal Touch  This play shows a rare occurrence, but is definitely possible.  Team A illegally touches a scrimmage kick  and by doing so, interferes with Team B's opportunity to complete a catch of the kick.  As the covering official, it is important you give a full report to the R of what has taken place downfield.  If you just tell him Team A touched the kick, all he knows to enforce is the illegal touching.   Does B95 commit a dead-ball foul?

                                    Simultaneous Catch   What to do next is easy.  Team A illegally touches a scrimmage kick, but by doing so, does A23 interfere with B8's ability to catch the punt?  The hard part is determining if there truly was a simultaneous catch (7-3-6).  A catch requires a player demonstrate he has a firm grasp and control of the ball (2-2-8).  You make the call.

                                     Forward Progress and the Sidelines   This play illustrates the difficulty in awarding forward progress to a ball carrier who tight-ropes along the sideline.  The calling official has know if the ball carrier went out of bounds while still grounded or became airborne, voluntarily or due to contact by an opponent.  Plays 9 -11 in 2009 NCAA Bulletin 2 address these issues.

                                    Blocking Below the Waist (See the whole play)    If you do not see the whole play, you cannot call the foul.  Many officials would have seen the end of this play and flagged A11 (wingback) for his block below the waist.  This crew did not, presumably because they saw the block develop from its inception and realized the initial force of the block was above the waist.  

                                    Flag It and Keep Officiating    See the foul, get the flag down, and keep working.  We missed a late hit out of bounds on  this play.  What do you think about the alleged block in the back, which drew the flag, at the B-45 and the "fatherly hug by the R?"


Rom Gilbert / August 11, 2010 / (index.html)